Jadi ini merupakan quick definition bagi term-term tersebut.
i. Brightness/Contrast
Brightness digunakan untuk mengatur kecerahan gambar manakala Contrast digunakan untuk ketajaman gambar. Ini telah pun ditunjukkan oleh Dr Zaida menggunakan gambar daun pada minggu lepas
Hue adalah warna manakala Saturation adalah ketebalan/nipisnya warna tersebut. Kedua-duanya digunakan untuk menggantikan warna tertentu pada gambar/seleksi
iii. Level
Level adalah seperti Brightness/Contrast tetapi lebih fleksibel kerana warna gelap, warna menengah dan warna terang dapat diatur dengan baik.
iv. Curve
Curve adalah seperti Level cuma warna RGB nya sahaja diaturkan di dalam bentuk curve.
Things to reflect !!!
1. Why it is advisable to use Level/Curve compared to Brightness/Contrast?2. Figure 2A is a picture of model trucks and cars. It is desired to change the color of the bulldozer from yellow to green. Using the Hue/Saturation adjustment seen in Figure 1, the Edit drop down box was changed to Yellows. Then the eyedropper tool, circled in red in Figure 1, was selected and clicked on the bulldozer only. The Hue slider was then moved to the right until the desired color was achieved. In this case, +62. However, as seen in Figure 2B, the car was also changed to green.
Why did the color of the car change when the eyedropper was only clicked on the bulldozer?
Figure 2A
Figure 2B
Figure 1
Simply download the picture to test them yourselves.
Please make the reflection and share your opinion with others. And i will upload the answer later. Hopefully by doing the exercise will strengthen your skills in Photoshop...