Tuesday 1 March 2011

Hue/Saturation, Level, Curve...What's That?

Hari ini seperti yang dijadualkan dalam Course Outline, Dr Zaida akan mengajar mengenai fungsi Hue/Saturation, Level dan Curve...

Jadi ini merupakan quick definition bagi term-term tersebut.

i. Brightness/Contrast
Brightness digunakan untuk mengatur kecerahan gambar manakala Contrast digunakan untuk ketajaman gambar. Ini telah pun ditunjukkan oleh Dr Zaida menggunakan gambar daun pada minggu lepas

Hue adalah warna manakala Saturation adalah ketebalan/nipisnya warna tersebut. Kedua-duanya digunakan untuk menggantikan warna tertentu pada gambar/seleksi  

iii. Level
Level adalah seperti Brightness/Contrast tetapi lebih fleksibel kerana warna gelap, warna menengah dan warna terang dapat diatur dengan baik.

iv. Curve
Curve adalah seperti Level cuma warna RGB nya sahaja diaturkan di dalam bentuk curve.

Things to reflect !!!

1. Why it is advisable to use Level/Curve compared to Brightness/Contrast?

2. Figure 2A is a picture of model trucks and cars.  It is desired to change the color of the bulldozer from yellow to green.  Using the Hue/Saturation adjustment seen in Figure 1, the Edit drop down box was changed to Yellows.  Then the eyedropper tool, circled in red in Figure 1, was selected and clicked on the bulldozer only.  The Hue slider was then moved to the right until the desired color was achieved.  In this case, +62.  However, as seen in Figure 2B, the car was also changed to green.

Why did the color of the car change when the eyedropper was only clicked on the bulldozer?

Figure 2A

Figure 2B

Figure 1

Simply download the picture to test them yourselves.

Please make the reflection and share your opinion with others. And i will upload the answer later. Hopefully by doing the exercise will strengthen your skills in Photoshop...

Pintu Pertama Photoshop

So dalam kelas pertama photoshop ni, kita akan menggunakan perisian Adobe Photoshop CS3 untuk proses editing gambar.

Sepanjang last week ada siapa-siapa yang masih ingat atau praktikkan apa yang telah Dr ajarkan?

Anyone want to share something?Let me guide you in doing the reflection.

1. Why do we need to set the file as pixel or inches? Is there any difference between these two?

2. What happen if one set the dpi more than 72 dpi? Can your eyes see the differences?

3. What are the  tools used for selection and its function?

4. How the use of glossy paper able to fool one's eyes?

Simply make your reflection here or just post them in your blog...

Show Me The TALENT

Hehe...so guys...I don't want to see you dance...but hey i'm sure you can dance your hands in Photoshop, right??

Do you notice something that this blog has got no banner which makes it looks not soooo happening...

As i said earlier, this blog is your blog too. So what if anyone of you design the banner using the photoshop...and later i will use the banner that you have design for this blog...

There's so many of you in the class can be considered as an expert in Photoshop...like Kadir, Amien, Ann...ahaks....haha

COME ON...please...show us your talent and makes the learning more interesting ya....

i'm waiting....

WINDOW to your PHOTOSHOP skills

Knock Knock...Who's there !!!

Pertama-tama nya ingin saya katakan ' Welcome To My Blog ' yang merangkap blog anda jua
Dipersilakan kalian semua masuk menjelajah intipati blog ini kerana banyak tips-tips berguna mengenai Photoshop akan saya paparkan untuk tujuan pembelajaran.

Bagi mereka yang telah mahir dan cekap menggunakan Photoshop diharapkan dapat berkongsi sebanyak-banyak ilmu untuk manfaat semua. 

Bagi yang masuk under beginner/some say eeeuuuu...you're not that expert, hahaha...that's ok...
Jangan segan silu untuk bertanya/leave a comment bagi mempelajari ilmu yang berguna...

Buat aja macam blog anda sendirik ye...Cepat !!! cepat !!! Be My FoLLoWeR
Cant wait to see you guys here....

